Monday, September 17, 2007

Work in progress

I have determined that a blog is just a work in progress, kind of like laundry only more fun. Unfortunately the world will not stop if I don't get on here to update so it doesn't always happen. I am trying. Lots happening here since the last post. My baby boy had his 6th birthday. We had friends over for dinner, cake and to make lookie loo bottles. I think the kids enjoyed the making part but I know mine at least haven't played with them much since. Of course imagining my son as a little boy now is sometimes too much to handle. I ran across an article in the paper about his birth, I think the reporter originally called us because he was born at home but then learned about how we found out he was a boy instead of another girl like the doctor who did the ultrasound thought. It is amazing how much he has grown, we had his 2nd birthday the weekend after we moved into our new home and he could barely reach the light switch, and yesterday he hit his head on the bar height counter top, he has gotten so tall. (his head is fine btw)
I think my biggest challenges these days are wanting to do so much and not having enough time to do it in. I know, this is a challenge for anyone let alone a mother right? Well, I am trying to figure out where all my commitments fit in with being the parent I want to be. Can I take on one more thing and still find time to play cards with the kids? Is it possible to work in another meeting and yet maintain an interest in grasshoppers? I think not. I am going to have to perfect the art of saying no. No to things I don't want to do but also no to a few things I might be interested in. That said, my mom is coming in 2 days (I can't wait) and we are planning to start on quilts for the girls bedroom. I have looked and looked for a quilt and they either aren't quiet the right color or cost a fortune so I decided to start looking for material instead. I have been real lucky at the thrift stores and have found lots of scraps with colors I think will go great together. I also found a huge piece (6 yards?) of a very pretty fabric that I hope will work for part of the quilt, a valance for the window and some pillow shams (is 6 yards enough for all that?) Anyway, I will be sure to post pictures as the work unfolds. Did I mention I have never made a quilt before? Should be fun anyway, a 3 generation quilt, heirloom quality I am sure.
I am working on making my photos a little bigger (just a suggestion from a friend) but not sure if I will master that for this post or not. Don't want to overwhelm myself.
My poor dog (see Aug 1), this morning he went chasing after a (*^$#%&^^%$%^&%$%) rabbit (I love all creatures, just wish there were a few less rabbits out here) anyway, he ran behind the neighbors truck and came out screaming, I am of coursing thinking it was a jackalope and it kicked his butt but he was limping bad so we called the vet. Well, after xrays I was looking over his leg while contemplating surgical options for a cruciate repair and noticed a hole in his knee. Apparently what really happened was the rabbit had a long skinny sword and poked his knee. So he is on antibiotics and pain meds for a week, hopefully it won't infect the joint. He is quite pitiful as he won't put any weight on it and limps all over.
Since my goal is to spend more time with the kids, quality time that is (I spend plenty of time with them in general), I am off to start on our bedtime routine. The little girls are soaking in the tub as I type and I figure I should go wash the grime and turn them back in to little princesses instead of homeless orphans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you like the banner size, etc. I love it. It's such a great pic.

I think the suggestion was actually for you to make your PICTURES bigger, though of course reading more about you is good too! :)

I think you have plenty of fabric for all that. You all are going to have so much fun!