Monday, May 18, 2009

Program Done!

So I suck at updates, you knew that. However the last half of the program when pretty smoothly, my cravings got less and less, "hunger" on the weekends was better. I have lost lots of inches (will measure on Wed) my total weight loss was 32+ pounds. I am very happy and have plans to start another round after July 4th. Hoping to lose another 30 pounds in addition to starting an exercise program now. Someday I might even be willing to post before and after pictures, who knows?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Program update

Well, today is day 25, my weightloss is still going well at 18.5# as of this am. I am for the most part not hungry although on the weekends I do want to eat. I hesitate to say I am hungry, I really just think it is related more to being at home, feeding kids and such. I am really excited to imagine what my w/l will be at the end. I have 25 days/18 injections left hoping to lose another 10-15#. I am already imagining what foods I want to eat when I am no longer on the program. I think an omlette is my first meal. I miss breads but not as much as I thought I would. I will be happy with more variety of good foods. I certainly do not want to gain any weight in between rounds.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

11,12 & 13

So my weight went down more over the past few days (yeah) I have now lost 11.8#. I had a slight increase today which could be a number of things, I worked almost a full day yesterday, have been having more detox symptoms. I don't really know why buy it is hard to see the scale go up. I am sure tomorrow it will go right back down. I have to remind myself that I have lost almost 12# in 14 days, that is pretty darn cool.

So anyone who knows me knows I have a not-so-secret boyfriend. His name is Dave and I get to see him on Saturday, Matt is taking me (weird huh?). If you have not for some reason heard about Dave then I encourage you to check out his website. We are not very far along in the plan but it is nice to feel hope about our future. One of the things I really like about him is his political outlook, he repeatedly says only you can change your future, the government is not going to make a difference. That helps me to not get discouraged by the news and to just keep doing what I can to make a difference in my life. Also check out, I think it will be great.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

8, 9, & 10

Well, I had a small gain on day 8 of .1 but am pretty sure I traced it to the grissino bread stick I ate, it is allowed on the original diet but as is the case with most stuff in America they have added oil. So that left me with a .8 loss on day 9 and .3 on day 10. Basically 1 # over 3 days. I am sure I am missing something I just haven't figured out what it is yet. So yesterday I decided to go back to the very basics which paid off because I had 1.3# loss this morning. My total now is -9.3# in 11 days (although in the program you eat normally for the first 2 injection days).

Today is the Easter egg hunt at church, I am hoping that the weather cooperates and we are able to do this at the park. Trying to blackmail the kids into cleaning before we have to leave, not working all that great but they have made some progress. Suppose I better get to it also.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7 for 7

Today was day seven and I have lost 7 pounds (that's a movie isn't it?). Now if you add up my weight loss to now you will notice it is more than 7. The first two days on the diet you are still eating to capacity and I had a 2+ gain on day two. That is normal. So for the sake of making things simple from now on all my totals will be from day one. I was not hungry at all yesterday which was really great. I felt a little hungry today after work, but was fine after dinner. I am so excited about this program and try not to fantasize too much about what my final weight might be (or cheesecake) I know it is possible to lose 30-35 pounds in one round. I also know I will be doing another round after this one, possibly 2 more, overall I hope to lose about 65#. Ultimately you can get back to your weight in high school, the least amount I can remember weighing was 128#, I can't even imagine that at this point but we will just take it one round at a time.

In other computer died. Not sure what happened to it, I haven't had it that long but it was a hand me down from my mom. Matt thinks any computer I use eventually dies (not true), I am using his now (not to test that), there is no money in the budget for a new one. I would honestly rather have a camera.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 5 - Panic & Day 6

So day 5 morning I woke up and got on the scale and it said Lo (awesome huh?) oh, it meant battery, I knew that. Anyway, my scale takes a little flat battery, the kind you don't have just laying around. I finally gave up and decided I wasn't going to get to weigh. After my shower my dsh (dear sweet husband in case you didn't know) found a heart rate monitor that had the right size battery and fixed my scale. So my weigh-in was after shower instead first thing in the am. and I was down 3.1#. I was excited but still nervous that it would go back up this morning, way up. Well, I did have a gain today of 0.1. Not too bad, knowing that scales aren't 100% accurate. I knew the 3# days wouldn't be forever. I wasn't as hungry as the day before, even made mashed potatoes for my family while dh grilled our steaks and asparagus. I did however have a little more of a headache, I had upped the detox drops in my water, that might have done it. I will ask at work today.

Confession: Usually any gain is explained by some form of cheating. I did have a bite of the kids orange slice when I was making theirs thinking I would just skip a bite of mine later to make up for it. I didn't. Not sure if that is the reason for my small gain (no loss) or not but I won't test that again. Another problem may have been getting butter on my hands during cooking, not much but getting oils of any kind on you is something that is warned about. I guess we shall see tomorrow. I must say it is sometimes hard to sleep, kind of like Christmas Eve, wanting to know what the scale will say in the morning.

I prefer blog posts with pictures so here is one. This was taken at a scrapbook weekend I went on with my (skinny) friend Christina. It wasn't quiet a year ago, I don't remember my weight when we were there, probably a few pounds less than I am now. Soon I will be less than in this photo, I will.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 4

Well, today has been about the same as yesterday as far a hunger goes. Once you have been on the HCG for 10 days (or less) everyone I have talked to says the hunger is gone. Several people have told me that they were never hungry (they always had gained the 5 + pounds during feasting). The only thing that makes today way easier is knowing that I was down 3.4# this morning. Overall I have lost 5# since starting HCG but only 1# from pre-feasting weight. If you aren't confused you aren't trying hard enough.
There are very specific restrictions on this program as far as products you can use (eyeliner, chapstick, mascara, all fine) and can't use (no lotions, makeup- unless it is mineral, or anti-persperant- deodorant is fine) but I haven't really had any problems. I would love a bubble bath (the bubbles provide cover you know) but will settle for just a hot bath tonight. I have manged to injure my knee during this and it is really bothering me today, but rest and a bath should help.
I know the weigh (fat) loss I had this morning was on the high side and I won't have many more days, if any, like that but tonight I am sure I will dream about it.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today I got my first (real) paycheck in a long time. I have been working part-time at our church play group but my check barely covered my gas, as nice as it was to get one, it didn't really count. Anyway, back to my real one, it was so nice to see my name next to a nice dollar amount. I am enjoying my new job although I am behind on laundry, dishes, laundry, blog reading, laundry, quilting, laundry, crafting, oh did I mention laundry? Anyway, I suppose things will even out soon, I mean, I am not the first person to work and have kids.

Today was also my first day on my new program. It is actually the 3rd day but my first day to eat only 500 calories. Yes, that is right 500. Yes, that is right, I am crazy. However I have had several friends do this program and it works. I hope to keep you posted on how it is going but I have promised to post more before so don't hold your breath. (who is she talking to anyway? must be the lack of calories)

So, day 3 - I have been a little hungry today, I was afraid of this because I didn't put on at least 5 pounds in the 5-7 days prior to starting (I only made it 4). The hunger isn't unbearable and I have definately been hungrier on other "diets". This actually isn't a diet but a way to reset your hypothalomus using HCG injections (more on that later). It is based on Dr. Simeons book Pounds and Inches. Most people average about a pound a day in fat loss. I am lucky since I am working at the clinic that offers this program and I have lots of support however, I don't work again until Monday so these few days may be a little harder. Overall I think I have done pretty well, it isn't too long until bed time and I still have an orange to eat. I will try and explain more about the program over the next 46 days (it is 49 days total). Don't want to bore you too much right now. I did take before photos and will post them, in 46 days with my after photos, don't want to bore you or gross you out. So, I will try and post daily, or close to it about my weight loss and something about how the day went.

And just for fun, in case you are the ONLY person left (it has almost 18 million hits as of right now) that didn't see this video on youtube, it is worth checking out.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where I am these days

Okay, I haven't been here, I am absolutely hooked on this blog, not only do I want to live on the ranch, (preferably in the remodeled guest house) but I am determined to win one of her fabulous giveaways (entries usually top over 8,000). Check it out if you have a week with nothing to do.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feeding the Family

I never got around to posting photos from our garden last year. I wish I had taken one at the end of it's life, truly it had a life of it's own. We had the usual tomatoes, squash and peppers (the grasshoppers ate all of our pepper plants). Logan sprouted some beans from the pantry and we planted them too. He loved working in the garden with his dad ( I know I have pics somewhere...) I am excited to have an even bigger garden this year. All the kids like to help out, the evenings are so nice and cool in CO, makes for a great family time.

Yesterday we picked up our year (?) supply of beef. I am not much on red meat mostly because I was an animal science major in college and visited a few meat packing plants. We tend to only use buffalo because it is what I can get that is hormone and antibiotic free. Anyway, this beef was grass fed close to home, raised with out hormones or antibiotics, and came to us without the outrageous grocery store mark up. We will be having steak tonight, I hope it is good. Fortunately we still have some fish in the freezer from dh's trip to AK last summer, to balance it all out. I love the idea of eating more locally (not counting the fish). I doubt our family could ever accomplish what this family did but I will do my best.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Busy Weekend

Friday was such a fun day. The Varsity basketball teams at our daughters school got to play their game at the Pepsi Center in Denver. That was great in itself but the fact that they won made it all the better. After their games we went out to dinner at Old Chicago, my first time there, not the greatest place to go on a diet but the food was wonderful. Then we went back to the Pepsi Center to watch the Nuggets vs. Pistons. It was a very interesting experience. The last 20 seconds of the game were intense and, after being ahead for the entire game the Nuggets lost.

It was a late night for us (we got home after 1 am) but it was nice to spend the day with just Miranda. I also went to her game on Saturday, their team won by 1 point. I have got to find a way to watch the games without stressing out so much. I love watching her play but it makes me crazy when the scores are so close and the refs keep making awful calls. We have about 2 games a week between now and Feb 20th, hopefully I don't have a stroke.

Tonight Julia came down the basement stairs (there are 17 of them with concrete at the bottom) carrying her 4 babies, each one in a bag, (yes they are my grocery bags). How she managed not to fall is beyond me. She is such a little mommy, she has found the bags much easier to handle than the sling.

I have many projects I hope to complete this year. My main ones are to make a quilt for the three youngest kids. I have finally found fabric for the two girls. This is Naomi's. She really wanted something with horses but their room is yellow and tangerine, horses just don't come in those colors. I think I will look for some sheets, she can have whatever under the quilt. She does like the fairies, really, what's not to love about them?

These prints are for Julia's quilt. I am not sure what pattern I am using on either quilt yet, I imagine it will be some random, wonky kind of quilt. I search all over the internet yesterday and then ended up dreaming about quilts all night. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I am thinking about something like this one.
Any of my long time readers (ha ha) might remember my first quilt, I promised to post it as soon as it is done. It still isn't done. I really don't like it at all. I will finish it and I will post a picture, I haven't forgotten. The main reason I don't like it is because I made it with clearance fabric. I will never make another quilt out of cheap fabric (you get what you pay for).
I am still looking for fabric for Logan's quilt. He said he likes this one and I do too, I am just worried that it will only be used for a year or so. He will be 8 this year, will he out grow it soon? I am thinking I could make a reversible one where the back side of the turtle fabric is just different prints. I feel bad for him, I get so excited when fabric comes in the mail and he keeps asking when his is coming. Again, suggestions are needed here.
I will have to post about my other major project soon, I need some pictures first.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New year new body

I am not one to make a resolution for losing weight, I have tried that and it didn't work. But I am making a commitment to get healthier, if I lose weight in the process (duh) then that is great! My goals are to be able to snowshoe this winter, hike this summer and fit into all those clothes I have stored in the basement (and the ones that I have loaned out ;) gonna need those back friends, later). Anyway, there it is in print, I am going to get fit. I have found a few sites for inspiration, when I join one I will post here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back in the swing of things

Lately all of my post seem to start out with how sorry I am that I haven't blogged, how busy I am, blah blah blah. Well, never mind all that, here I am. Hummm what have we been up to? I will start with the most recent. Oldest dd got married. Yep that is right, I am now a MIL (no she isn't pregnant so I am not going to be a grandma, yet). I am very happy for them and only still a little mad that they eloped.

We spent a week in OK for Christmas. It was so good to see everyone again. My Grandma is still having a rough time, she had multiple back surgeries since July, and is having another soon. I can't imagine not having her in my life. I know we don't live forever but I am still hopeful that she will recover and eventually walk again. At the very least I pray that her back pain goes away.

Matt's brother also came up from Houston. My in laws house was quite over flowing, we had 4 kids and one dog with us, and bil brought his two little dogs, I am sure it is quiet there now. This is the first year we haven't been home for Christmas in a long time, although the kids thought it was great to open presents 5 times I hope to never do it again. I had to arrange to have someone play Santa (ok, that was the best part of all) Santa aka Christina, my very dear friend, not only watched one of the dogs, filled stockings, wrapped presents and set up the doll house she also CLEANED my house for me, I was very sick the day we left and basically threw a few clothes in a bag and left the house looking like a tornado hit it. I hope everyone has a friend like her in their life. Thanks Christina!!

I did get the dolls made for the girls (finished shortly before 2 am on Christmas morning). Julia has kind of taken over both dolls, but at least they are loved.

I really didn't get as many homemade presents finished that I wanted to, a few went to a special friend, she blogged about them here (good thing since I didn't take any pictures), and you can also see the fingerless gloves she made me if you just can't wait until I get a pictures posted, I love them and they are the most beautiful color. Some presents are being carried over to Mothers day (in that respect I am way ahead now) and some will just have to be moved to next year. I know I won't quite get it right but on Sunday our Pastor said something to the effect that the past is the past and the only way to make it better is to do your best today so tomorrow 's past will be what you want it to be. (sorry for the butch job on a great sermon but hopefully you get the point).

One of the blogs I read talked about having a word of the year. I have decided on patience. I need more in all areas of my life. I think a lot of times I don't finish a project, diet, organizing, etc.. because I run out of patience. We have such an instant now, microwave mentality that we don't have time for things that take time. I didn't really make any resolutions but my word represents what I hope for 2009. To take the time for all the little things, and have the patience to appreciate the beauty around me everyday. My dh always says it is the journey not the destination, so true. Here's to many wonderful jouneys in 2009.